Goodwood School

At Goodwood we consider ourselves really lucky to have the students and families that we do - they are our school.

Turning five is a milestone to be celebrated in a child’s life. It is also a time of transition and change. We recognise every family is different. So we listen to you and prepare a transition to school that suits your family. We suggest two visits a couple of weeks prior to starting school - however, work with what suits the need of your child and whanau.


Once your child starts school the classroom teacher will liaise with you through the transition and we encourage you to continue asking questions as your child (and you) learn the routines of school life and school learns about the strengths your child is bringing to the classroom.


We encourage you to take the first step to learn more about starting at Goodwood by ringing us on

827 6817 or email to arrange a visit and tour.

This is a great time to ask questions like:

Communication - should I ask my questions? (YES!)

Visits - how many and why?

Should I stay or go during the visit?

What will my child see during their visits?

How will home and school work together once my child starts? (transition to school goes beyond the visits before a child turns 5).

Often parents ask us "What does my child need to know before they start school?” - What a big question! Every child is different and as a school that teaches with an inquiry mindset and recognises individual learning styles we welcome the diverse knowledge and experiences our five year olds bring!

The Cambridge Community is very fortunate to have many great early childhood centres and experiences for our upcoming 5 year olds. This means most of the five year olds entering our school are confident, connected and curious - ready to make the step into the school setting.

Explorers starting school at Goodwood:

- are sociable (take turns and share, show kindness and caring), 

- are great communicators (able to ask for help, ask a question, listen to others), 

  1. -have good body SMARTs (able to run, use monkey bars, 

push themselves on swing, use scissors - all great control skills 

to bring to learning), 

  1. -are resilient and risk takers, they like to have - a - go!

  2. -know nursery rhymes and songs, can sing the abc

  3. -recognise the letters of their name and are having a go to write it

  4. -know some shapes, can count to 10, can make and talk about 


  1. -are self managers and can look after their belongings and know 

how to use their hands and feet as tools for learning

  1. -are positive about school and happy, have friends and have great support from home.

  2. Want to find out more about starting school - click HERE