Goodwood School

Here is a copy of our latest ERO review.

 We welcome the return of ERO in four-five years.


Some 'soundbits'..


The vision and valued outcomes defined by the school for all children are captured in the 'Goodwood explorer' student profile. This profile, defines desired outcomes for children to be literate, numerate, an explorer, a thinker, a contributor a communicator and self managing. The values of trust/whaka-ae-tika, respect/whakaute and honesty/pono underpin the school's vision and strategic priorities. 

The school responds to those children whose learning and achievement need acceleration. There are well-embedded and highly effective systems to promptly identify, respond to, track and accelerate the needs of the small number of children at risk of not achieving expected levels.

 Leaders and teachers are strongly focused on and committed to raising achievement. They carefully target children who are achieving below the expected level, respond with a wide range of interventions and monitor their progress closely. A key feature of the identification process is the careful consideration of each child's unique situation and circumstances that they bring with them and to the school. Detailed information is also gathered through robust diagnostic testing about each child's learning needs. Leaders and teachers make effective use of this information to develop personalised and responsive programmes designed to accelerate learning and achievement of at risk learners.

Educationally powerful connections are strong and well developed. Leaders and teachers use many different ways to deliberately work with parents of all children, particularly those who require additional support with their learning and engagement. Effective and open communication is supporting parents to help their child's learning at home. A feature of these connections has been the revitalisation of relationships with Māori, whānau and iwi. This inclusive and supportive approach is contributing to high levels of parent involvement and participation in the school community.